If you are struggling to nail down your keywords and floundering to solidify your core brand message, there is a free brand development tool available to you right now. The tool polls millions of users and aggregates a succinct list of key words and phrases that reflect exactly how your potential client or customer sees you. You can access the tool easily, at no cost to you and use the information to effectively shape future brand messages.
What is this amazing tool? It’s Twitter. Within a short time of being an active Twitter user, you’ll begin to see the word “Lists” in the upper right hand corner of your Twitter profile, right next to Followers and Following. Lists is a clickable link. Click on it and you’ll see how your Followers have categorized you. You’ll see their Twitter name and what they named the list to which they added your Twitter name.
The bulk of the lists I’ve been added to seem to be Authors, Marketing, Social Media, Peeps to Follow. I’m pleased that my brand message has been consistent and clear. If the lists had been Rockstar, Pastry Chefs, travel agents; then I’d have had some work to do in focusing my brand message to attract the following I desire.
Once you check Twitter Lists to see how your followers perceive your brand, take some time to interact with those Twitter followers who took the time to put you on a list. Go to the profiles of two or three each day. Read a few of their most recent posts. Comment, add value and interact. The chances are good that if they’re following you, then their followers might also be interested in you and you in them.
Twitter Lists are a great way to filter the noise of Twitter and find engaged, interested people who want to hear what you have to say. Those lists are creating conversations about you!