Socia Media Technology enables Social Media Marketing
I’m hearing a lot of talk from big advertising and PR agencies about social media technology. That sounds so much more impressive than the overused phrase social media marketing, doesn’t it. But in reality, they go hand in hand and one does not displace the other. Social media technology is the architecture and social media marketing is the message. It’s that simple.
Although the medium is the message, as Marshall McLuhan said, the message still needs to be crafted.
Your brand can have the most sophisticate social media technology available, yet not attain your goals if your social media marketing message is not clear. Creating conversations with your clients about their wants, needs and how you can fulfill them is what social media marketing facilitates best.
So, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, ask yourselves the important questions:
- What is my unique value to the consumer?
- How will I communicate that both verbally and visually?
Then bring social media marketing and social media technology to the same table for a good long talk.
Tobie Pfotenhauer
A great way to obtain a even larger boom out of your article marketing would be to cross reference subject-related content articles between each other.